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Piattaforma cloud per la diagnostica avanzata basata su dati clinico-omici

The aim of the MISE SHE project is to create a prototype of holistic health medical record system (EHR). By holistic is meant the full integration of omic (chiefly genomic) data together with clinical ones. This integration process will also encompass the creation of a machine learning strategy (and infrastructure) to obtain actionable knowledge for the physicians by leveraging all the available data sources jointly. The partners of the projects are Gaslini hospital and Engineering s.p.a. and they will bring their respective deep clinical and technological expertise into the project. IIT will develop machine learning methods and software to support EHR with the aim of delivering a precision medicine approach through patients stratification and diseases prediction on real world data, part of which will be produced in IIT itself.

People involved
Andrea Cavalli
Andrea Cavalli
Computational and Chemical Biology
Stefano Gustincich
Stefano Gustincich
Non-coding RNAs and RNA-based therapeutics
Project information
SHE - MISE Engineering
Start date
End date
Total budget: 2.474.087,00€
Total contribution: 1.022.197,26€